Client testimonials

”... Sassi Body is what I look forward to most each week. An holistic combination of fitness with toning and the additional bonus of having someone act as a life coach. My mind, body and soul are uplifted and invigorated at the end of each session. As a GP I would want all my patients to have a similar approach to their fitness and I consider myself very lucky to have 'sass' in my life.

Dr Tamara Karni Cohen

Last summer (2019) and for a wide period before that I was going through a major health crisis where my immune system and entire body was out of sync and I didn’t quite know where to start. Khedija showed me during our sessions that I could get my body back to a state of balance if I trained it to. She showed me many different stretching techniques as well as breathing and quick walking techniques. Safe to say that Khedija truly helped me on my road back to balance. My family has worked with Khedija for nearly ten years and I think that speaks for itself. Khedija is extremely on top of her health and nutritional information and really taught me more about whole entire body health and balance instead of just loosing weight or getting more fit.

Brendan Blaney. Photographer

I am delighted to write to thank you for your help in getting me into shape. It has been a pleasure to see you for our enjoyable and constructive weekly sessions and to say that I have been noticeably more agile as a consequence.I look forward so much to continuing the exercises soon.

John Miller

Although already a regular gym user, I rarely went to classes as I was slightly intimidated by the younger, lithe, Lycra clad people in the aerobic classes. So finding Khedija's session for the over 55s was really wonderful. Not only is it fun but her warmth and understanding of the needs of older gym goers made it something to look forward to. Khedija now also trains me twice a week at home, tailoring classes to my needs. Because she is trained in so many different disciplines our sessions are varied and never dull. She has made a huge difference to my body and mind - and she’s always good for a great skin care recommendation!

Roamie Lambert. Company Director, daughter, mother and grandmother, with not much time to spare

I am a lady of 90 and Khedija has been a wonderful help making me aware of my deportment and helping me able to get up from the ground in case I fall. I can’t recommend her enough.

Maureen da Costa

I don't suppose I would have been coming to class for the last 8 years if I hadn't got a lot out of Khedija's class. It's only a shame we can’t convince her to give us another couple of hours a week. She caters for all abilities and encourages us to stretch ourselves and enjoy varied aerobic exercise. Don't book too late or you won't get a place!

Stephen Baruch

I first met Khedija in 2007. I had been hired to do makeup on a film in London called "Last Chance Harvey" starring Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson. I had been a regular at Pilates in Los Angeles but found it hard to find any classes private or non to work with my schedule. A person on the film told me she had a friend that was a personal trainer. So I met with Khedija and we chatted about the kind of workout session that might work with my body type, strength and schedule. I worked out with her on the week ends ‎and she kept me in shape the whole time I was in London. She is very punctual, personable and extremely knowledgeable. I highly recommend her to everyone.

Valli O’Reilly. Oscar and Bafta winning makeup artist

Khedija has a unique ability to motivate and provide incentive to maintain regular training sessions even when enthusiasm (on my part) is flagging. She intuitively adapts her program to suit the moment while ensuring that the maximum benefit will be achieved. Her encouragement and sage advice has contributed greatly to my lifestyle improvement for over 10 years. I miss our regular workouts now that I have moved. However, when time permits I love our video sessions.

Susan. Based in Monaco

I have been working with Khedija for the last year. She is a wonderful teacher,  tailoring her programme to help with any specific needs. My muscular strength and flexibility has improved enormously since she has been helping me. She is very patient, sympathetic and a joy to work with.

Su Rogers

I have done Khedija’s Body Conditioning classes every week since I gave up teaching exercise in 2006. That in itself is full recommendation! Khedija’s knowledgeable approach to teaching and sunny personality make her classes effective, informative and fun!


We are based in central London and Khedija is a welcome visitor who tailors her program to suit our specific needs. She is engaging and encouraging and very knowledgeable about all health issues and has been an important addition to our lives.

Su and Neil

We have been attending Khedija’s classes for some years now and we love her endless enthusiasm, professional approach and clear directions. She’s the best!

Stephen and Carolina

Khedija is the best professional personal trainer I have ever had! She is fun, hard working and very inspiring. She has always supported me in achieving my targets and making me feel good about myself! Khedija was also paramount in training me and keeping me fit whilst wearing a cast to my ankle for 6 months. I needed to stay mobile and fit because of my lung issues. She really motivated me to stay active. Khedija is a very good listener and she can easily tailor the exercises for your needs and still manage to provide you an all rounded workout when necessary. I cannot recommend Khedija enough!

Daniela Florio

If you’re looking to pick up your fitness, get toned for the summer or push yourself to the next level then look no further than sassi body fit. THIS LADY IS AMAZING!! If, like me, you lack the confidence and motivation to go to the gym or take a class Khedija will make you feel right at home. So do yourself a huge favour and get to one of Khedija’s friendly classes or one to one sessions to get the body you always wanted and learn how to feel great again. Plus, she’s great to geek out on skincare with.

Tanya Noor. Makeup artist & owner of Get Set Go Bags

I have enjoyed and benefitted from attending your one of your classes … having been advised to do aerobics by my cardiologist following a coronary stent operation. You make exercising fun – something it took me over 70 years to discover. Your evident expertise, especially with we older “gymnasts”, combined with your attention to detail and individual needs, as well as your warm personality, is what keeps me coming. And I’m still almost able to keep up with the young ones!

Dr Dora Black . Retired consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist

The efficacy of Khedija's exercises and her unquenchable optimism are a winning combination!

Joseph Rykwert. Architectural Historian

Khedija, thank you so much for your advice and practical help and your zest and big smile.

Rita. Translator and painter

I love Khedija’s Barre/Pilates class! Time really flies when I’m doing the exercises. They are fun and challenging at the same time. I love the fact that she gives us personalised feedback and that she is always encouraging us. Khedija is also very patient and always has her students’ interests at heart. One of the most rewarding and enjoyable fitness sessions I’ve had!

Jordana. Teacher

Khedija Sassi has proven to be one of the most invaluable people in my life! I know I would not be as strong physically or mentally if it had not been for her professional support. Having trained me twice weekly for the last eight years and coupled with her excellent nutritional advice she has exercised me entirely through not only two pregnancies (training me afterwards back to a size 10 from 14) but also a couple of injuries along the way. Khedija has a natural and talented intuition knowing instinctively how far or hard to push her clients. Her expertise and vast knowledge of many physical exercise regimes means her sessions are always varied and inspiring. A typical session with Khedija transforms me from a stressed, sleep deprived, self-employed, mother of two into a person completely energised, motivated and re-focused! Without doubt her sessions have improved me as a person not just physically but as a whole person; balanced and confident I’m now a better wife, mother and boss.Khedija is nothing short of an awesome miracle worker.

Miranda Garton-Jones. Business Woman/Entrepreneur

I joined Khedija's classes during the lockdown, her sessions have made me stronger, leaner and really improved my posture. After one of Khedija's classes I feel muscles that I didn't know I had! Khedija's kind and supportive manner gets the best out of me. But most of all, her lessons are fun.
